Right out of the gate let’s establish that ANY massage is better than no massage. And despite what you may think, you NEED to be getting bodywork. Places like Massage Envy and Elements are stop gaps. You’re rarely going to find therapists in these corporate chains that know to properly address a runner’s high octane body use.

Why do you need a specialized massage? Massage is simple; you rub the muscle that feels tight until it isn’t. Hell, I can do that with a foam roller.
Sure. You could do it that way.
“You could run in crocs too.”
You could run in crocs too. You don’t need special shoes (or several pairs of special shoes) for running. You certainly don’t need friction reducing clothes, fancy watches, tracker apps, or music. No skills training and no coaches either.

I’m only half joking. But you get my point.
If every thing else about your run is individualized why would it be different when it comes to massage? Cookie cutter spa massages are not going to cut it. Who wants to pay $100 to be put to sleep? Not me. And hopefully not you!
For that, you need to find a therapist that specializes in treating runners. We are talking about someone who understands both the physical and mental side of your sport. Massage for runners is different, dare I say better than just some fluff and buff stuff from Massage Envy.
Bodywork should make your running better!
This person knows that you run because you love it. You chase headspace. And you don’t care that non-runners all think you’re crazy. You’re in a competition with yourself. Running is a competitive meditation.
Zen in motion.
A specialized therapist will have above average grasp of anatomy. I’m talking about stuff that goes WAY beyond working out your hamstrings and quads. They will know why your quadratus lumborum needs extra attention. They won’t grind your IT band into hamburger trying to get it to “release.” And they will know where the motor of the body is and how to give it a tune-up.

They will never give you bullshit advice like “stretch and ice.” because they know that both of those things put you at higher risk for injury. They will use finesse instead of brute force. They will know when to whisper to your nervous system and when to be a bit more assertive.
” Massage will appease the symphony of muscle “
A massage therapist that specializes in your sport will love the music of running and know how to appease the symphony of muscle that makes it possible!
Mic Drop.
SCI Body Therapy specializes in massage for runners (if you hadn’t caught that yet). We are based in Westminster, CO and have a low tolerance for crappy massage.
You don’t have to come see us, but make sure you are getting what you need from wherever you go. Speak up, speak frankly and speak often. It’s your session. Don’t let someone hurt you just because they still think pain means progress.
We are currently the only ones offering badass massage in the greater Denver area. So on second thought, you may want to come see us.